Featured Topics Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Tests to Check Your Kidney Health Understanding Your Lab Values and Other CKD Health Numbers See All Kidney TopicsBrowse By Category Diet and nutrition Diseases and conditions Prevention, daily life, and wellbeing Tests and procedures Treatments and therapies Imagen Hot topics in kidney health podcastTune in for the latest research and perspectives on kidney health from NKF.
Related News & Stories La enfermedad del riñón en comunidades hispanas/latinas: Causas y prevenciónDescubra la cocina caribeña buena para los riñones: Historia, cultura y recetasCocinando con presupuesto para la salud renalInscripción Abierta para Medicare Advantage Browse By Type Prevention & Awareness Patient Education Patient Stories Advocacy See all News & Stories Imagen How NKF's Digital Marketing Director Became an Altruistic Kidney DonorHear how NKF's very own Marketing Director, Dan Emerson, chose to give the gift of life to a stranger.
Imagen NKF Patient JourneyAnswer a few questions and we will provide you with information about your kidney health.Imagen CKD Basics CourseLearn about the basics of kidney disease, how it is measured, and what happens if you have kidney failure.Imagen Know Your RiskAnswer a few simple questions to find out if you are one of the 33% of adults in the U.S. who is at risk for kidney disease.
Featured Topics Nutrition and Kidney Disease, Stages 1-5 (Not on Dialysis) Phosphorus and Your Diet Potassium in Your CKD Diet CKD Diet: How much protein is the right amount? Sodium and Your CKD Diet: How to Spice Up Your Cooking See all Diet & Nutrition Topics Tools & ResourcesImagen Recipe FinderNutrition is key to managing kidney disease and your overall healthImagen Find a DietitianLooking for guidance on a kidney-friendly diet? Find a dietitian in your area. Imagen NutritionYour home for resources on eating with kidney disease or to care for your overall kidney health.
Featured Topics Dialysis Hemodialysis Home Hemodialysis Peritoneal Dialysis Depression and Dialysis See all Dialysis Topics Related News & Stories TikToker Melanie Pina arroja luz sobre la insuficiencia renal: “TikTok me salvó la vida”¿Viaja mientras está en diálisis? Comience aquí.Sobrellevar la enfermedad renal es difícil. Los mentores de pares pueden ayudarCuando no puede hacerlo todo: vivir con enfermedad renal en etapa terminal Imagen Do you need support?NKF PEERS is a program where kidney patients, living donors, or care partners can connect over the phone with a trained mentor.
Featured Topics Kidney Transplant Xenotransplantation The Kidney Transplant Waitlist Care After Kidney Transplant See all Transplant Topics Related News & Stories ¿Por qué las personas se convierten en donantes vivos de riñón?Mamá salva el día a través del programa de intercambio donantes de riñones emparejadosSus riñones fallaron a los 26: “Tenía la función renal de una persona de 80 años”Cómo Jason encontró esperanza en la insuficiencia renal Imagen Kidney Transplantation ResourcesConsidering a kidney transplant? We’ll help you get started.
Featured Topics Clinical Trials Are Clinical Trials Safe? Finding out More about Clinical Trials Kidney Disease Clinical Trial Directory Who Can Participate in a Clinical Trial See all Clinical Trial Topics Related News & Stories Ensayos clínicos sobre la nefropatía: ¿son adecuados para usted? Imagen Join the KidneyCARE StudyAdvance kidney research by sharing your experience living with kidney disease.Imagen Impact Patient-Centered ResearchKidney Research Connect matches you with research projects based on your connection to kidney disease.
Imagen InsuranceInsurance doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Learn about insurance options and choosing a plan that is right for you. Imagen Coping and Self-careImplementing coping strategies and practicing self-care are essential components in effectively managing illness and promoting overall health and well-being. Imagen Vaccine InformationAs a dialysis patient or transplant recipient you may be wondering — are vaccines safe for me? Do I need them?
Imagen NutritionLearn about a kidney-friendly diet, so you can stay healthy with kidney disease whether you are at home or dining out. Imagen ExerciseExercise is important for everyone, especially for people with kidney disease. Imagen Sexual HealthKidney disease can affect your sexuality in many ways — from hormones, nerves, energy levels, even medicine.
Imagen NKF CaresOffering support for people affected by kidney disease, organ donation, or transplantation.Imagen Local and National EventsAttend a National Kidney Foundation event close to you.Imagen NKF PeersWhere kidney patients are connected with trained mentors who have been there themselves.Imagen Become a Patient AdvocateAdd your voice to Voices for Kidney Health.Imagen Online CommunitiesWhere patients and caregivers can share experiences, ask questions, and get answers.Imagen Patient StoriesRead empowering stories from patients and their loved ones.
Featured Topics Kidney Transplant The Kidney Transplant Waitlist Getting a Kidney Transplant Getting a Living Donor Kidney Transplant Life with a Kidney Transplant See all Transplantation TopicsImagen Find a Transplant WorkshopJoin us at a live event near you to learn more with The Big Ask, The Big Give.Imagen Learn More About Kidney TransplantDive deep with videos and patient stories in the Kidney Learning Center. Imagen Resources & Get InvolvedGet connected for support on your transplant journey.
Featured Topics Becoming a Living Donor Making the Decision to Donate Living Donor Evaluation Financial and Insurance Issues What to Expect after Donation See all Kidney Donation TopicsImagen Learn More About Living DonationDive deep with videos and donor stories in the Kidney Learning Center.Imagen Ready to take the next step?Get started with information on how to connect with a transplant center. Imagen Resources & Get InvolvedGet connected with others who have donated a kidney.
Imagen Become a MemberLearn more about all the benefits a NKF membership can provide.Imagen Fellowship of the National Kidney FoundationFNKF recognizes professionals for service to NKF.Imagen Member LoginWe are multidisciplinary. We are clinicians and researchers. We are advocates.Imagen NSW-CThe first national credentialed classification for nephrology social work.Imagen Access to NKF JournalsNKF's journals feature the latest research in clinical nephology.Imagen NKF Professional CouncilsRepresentative bodies of NKF's professional membership.
Imagen Professional Education Resource CenterCME/CE courses designed for professionals committed to improving patient outcomes.Imagen Life as a Nephrology Professional PodcastExploring innovation and research in Nephrology.Imagen Spring Clinical MeetingsNKF’s premiere educational event for the interprofessional kidney health team.Imagen Kidney Commute PodcastProviding connection through education and serving as an innovative opportunity to fulfill CE requirements.
FundingImagen GrantsAccess information on available grants and open applications.Imagen NKF Innovation FundLearn about our game changing impact investment initiative. Latest ResearchImagen Research SpotlightSee how researchers are making strides in the fight against kidney disease.Imagen NKF’s Family of JournalsNKF's journals feature the latest research in clinical nephrology. Imagen Find Patient Participants for Your ResearchFind resources to connect you with patients and data for your research.
What is CKDintercept? What is CKDintercept?A groundbreaking initiative from the National Kidney Foundation to improve chronic kidney disease (CKD) testing, recognition, and management in primary care.Imagen Learn More About CKDinterceptOnly 10% of people living with CKD are aware that they have CKD.Imagen CKDintercept National OverviewNKF and partners will develop local road maps to drive a cultural shift in primary care.Imagen CKD Change PackageA systematic approach to transform CKD care, advance health equity, and improve health care quality.
What is KDOQI? What is KDOQI?KDOQI (Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative) is world renowned for improving the diagnosis and treatment of kidney disease, these guidelines have changed the practices of healthcare professionals and improved thousands of lives.Tools & Resources Guidelines and Commentaries Guideline Development Process Patient Centered Quality Measures Learn more about KDOQIImagen Vascular Access Guidelines And Implementation ToolsComprehensive slide decks created by interdisciplinary experts.Imagen KDOQI AppDownload now to access guidelines and commentaries at your fingertips.
Featured Printable Tools CKD Heat Map Kidney Disease Stages Nephrotic Syndrome Phosphorus for Dialysis Patients CKD Change Package See all Clinician ToolsImagen eGFR CalculatorUse our GFR calculators to estimate GFR for adults or children.Imagen H2Overload: Fluid Control for Heart-Kidney HealthDesigned for people who need to limit their fluid intake.Imagen KDOQI AppDownload now to access guidelines and commentaries at your fingertips.Imagen Vascular Access Guidelines And Implementation ToolsComprehensive slide decks created by interdisciplinary experts.
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Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Press Room Kidney Equity for All Careers NKF Leadership Contact Us Local Offices Kidney Disease: Fact Sheet
Kidney Topics Kidney Atrophy Kidney atrophy means smaller kidneys. It has multiple causes. One or both kidneys can be impacted.Enfermedades y condiciones,Enfermedades y condiciones renales,Atrofia renal
Kidney Topics Kidney Transplant Transplant is a treatment for kidney failure using a healthy kidney from a living or deceased donor that can help patients live a longer, more normal ...Trasplante y donación de órganos y tejidos,Trasplante de riñón
Kidney Topics La Dieta y los Cálculos Renales Qu es un clculo renal? Son todos los clculos renales iguales? Hay alguna dieta que puedo hacer para evitar que mi cuerpo forme ms clculos rena...Prevención, vida diaria y bienestar,Enfermedades y condiciones,Dieta y nutrición,La prevención de enfermedades,Enfermedades y condiciones renales,Cálculos renales
Kidney Topics Kidney Stone Diet Plan and Prevention Learn about managing kidney stones with a specialized diet. Discover the role of hydration, types of kidney stones, and dietary tips for prevention.Prevención, vida diaria y bienestar,Enfermedades y condiciones,Dieta y nutrición,La prevención de enfermedades,Enfermedades y condiciones renales,Cálculos renales
Kidney Topics Conozca los valores de sus riñones: Dos análisis sencillos Factores de riesgo de enfermedad renal crnica (ERC) Descubra si usted est en riesgo. Chequeo renal: dos anlisis sencillos Cociente de albmina-crea...Pruebas y procedimientos
Kidney Topics Know Your Kidney Numbers: Two Simple Tests Know your kidney numbers with two tests: eGFR (blood test) checks kidney filtration, and uACR (urine test) checks for protein. Early detection is key.Pruebas y procedimientos
Kidney Topics Low-Protein Recipes Discover low protein recipes for kidney disease. Learn how to structure a low protein diet and explore delicious, kidney-friendly food options.Prevención, vida diaria y bienestar,Dieta y nutrición,Comida y cocina,Planificación de dieta y comidas,Dieta baja en proteínas
Kidney Topics Kidney Biopsy A kidney biopsy removes a small tissue sample to diagnose kidney disease or assess transplant function, using a needle or open surgery for collection.Pruebas y procedimientos,Biopsias,Biopsias de riñón
Kidney Topics Biopsia de riñón Acerca de la biopsia de rin Tipos Objetivo Riesgos Antes del procedimiento Durante el procedimiento Despus del procedimiento Resultados Preguntas p...Pruebas y procedimientos,Biopsias,Biopsias de riñón
Kidney Topics Five Drugs You May Need to Avoid or Adjust if You Have Kidney Disease Medications can impact your kidneys, especially with chronic kidney disease. Learn which drugs may need adjustments to protect your kidney health.Tratamientos y terapias,Prevención, vida diaria y bienestar,Medicamentos,Factores de riesgo
Filtración glomerular estimada (FGe)Pruebas y procedimientos,Análisis de sangre,Tasa de filtración glomerular
Enfermedad renal crónica (ERC)Enfermedades y condiciones,Signos y síntomas,Enfermedades y condiciones renales,Enfermedad renal crónica
March 15, 2024Patient EducationPrevention & AwarenessCocinando con presupuesto para la salud renal September 26, 2023Patient StoriesPatient EducationVivir con niveles altos de potasio (hiperpotasemia): Historias y consejos October 13, 2023Patient EducationLo que dice la orina sobre la salud de los riñones August 17, 2023Patient Education40 frutas y verduras con poco contenido de potasio para agregar a su lista de compras September 16, 2024Patient EducationPrevention & AwarenessDescubra la cocina caribeña buena para los riñones: Historia, cultura y recetas October 20, 2023PodcastsDietas Basadas en Plantas y la Enfermedad Renal October 19, 2023Resources & ToolsEnfermedad renal y salud mental: “No puedes sufrir en silencio”. August 10, 2023Patient Education8 actividades para hacer durante la diálisis August 18, 2023Patient Education8 prácticas simples para manejar el estrés de la enfermedad renal y la salud mental Paginationsiguiente See More News
September 26, 2023Patient StoriesPatient EducationVivir con niveles altos de potasio (hiperpotasemia): Historias y consejos October 13, 2023Patient EducationLo que dice la orina sobre la salud de los riñones August 17, 2023Patient Education40 frutas y verduras con poco contenido de potasio para agregar a su lista de compras September 16, 2024Patient EducationPrevention & AwarenessDescubra la cocina caribeña buena para los riñones: Historia, cultura y recetas October 20, 2023PodcastsDietas Basadas en Plantas y la Enfermedad Renal October 19, 2023Resources & ToolsEnfermedad renal y salud mental: “No puedes sufrir en silencio”. August 10, 2023Patient Education8 actividades para hacer durante la diálisis August 18, 2023Patient Education8 prácticas simples para manejar el estrés de la enfermedad renal y la salud mental Paginationsiguiente See More News
October 13, 2023Patient EducationLo que dice la orina sobre la salud de los riñones August 17, 2023Patient Education40 frutas y verduras con poco contenido de potasio para agregar a su lista de compras September 16, 2024Patient EducationPrevention & AwarenessDescubra la cocina caribeña buena para los riñones: Historia, cultura y recetas October 20, 2023PodcastsDietas Basadas en Plantas y la Enfermedad Renal October 19, 2023Resources & ToolsEnfermedad renal y salud mental: “No puedes sufrir en silencio”. August 10, 2023Patient Education8 actividades para hacer durante la diálisis August 18, 2023Patient Education8 prácticas simples para manejar el estrés de la enfermedad renal y la salud mental Paginationsiguiente See More News
August 17, 2023Patient Education40 frutas y verduras con poco contenido de potasio para agregar a su lista de compras September 16, 2024Patient EducationPrevention & AwarenessDescubra la cocina caribeña buena para los riñones: Historia, cultura y recetas October 20, 2023PodcastsDietas Basadas en Plantas y la Enfermedad Renal October 19, 2023Resources & ToolsEnfermedad renal y salud mental: “No puedes sufrir en silencio”. August 10, 2023Patient Education8 actividades para hacer durante la diálisis August 18, 2023Patient Education8 prácticas simples para manejar el estrés de la enfermedad renal y la salud mental Paginationsiguiente See More News
September 16, 2024Patient EducationPrevention & AwarenessDescubra la cocina caribeña buena para los riñones: Historia, cultura y recetas October 20, 2023PodcastsDietas Basadas en Plantas y la Enfermedad Renal October 19, 2023Resources & ToolsEnfermedad renal y salud mental: “No puedes sufrir en silencio”. August 10, 2023Patient Education8 actividades para hacer durante la diálisis August 18, 2023Patient Education8 prácticas simples para manejar el estrés de la enfermedad renal y la salud mental Paginationsiguiente See More News
October 20, 2023PodcastsDietas Basadas en Plantas y la Enfermedad Renal October 19, 2023Resources & ToolsEnfermedad renal y salud mental: “No puedes sufrir en silencio”. August 10, 2023Patient Education8 actividades para hacer durante la diálisis August 18, 2023Patient Education8 prácticas simples para manejar el estrés de la enfermedad renal y la salud mental Paginationsiguiente See More News
October 19, 2023Resources & ToolsEnfermedad renal y salud mental: “No puedes sufrir en silencio”. August 10, 2023Patient Education8 actividades para hacer durante la diálisis August 18, 2023Patient Education8 prácticas simples para manejar el estrés de la enfermedad renal y la salud mental Paginationsiguiente See More News
August 10, 2023Patient Education8 actividades para hacer durante la diálisis August 18, 2023Patient Education8 prácticas simples para manejar el estrés de la enfermedad renal y la salud mental Paginationsiguiente See More News
August 18, 2023Patient Education8 prácticas simples para manejar el estrés de la enfermedad renal y la salud mental