
Displaying 161 - 170 of 2011

At age 12, Jennifer was diagnosed with Dense Deposit Disease, a rare autoimmune disease that alters the kidney’s ability to filter waste. She was passed between specialists and was told to expect dialysis and a transplant by the time she reached adulthood. About half of the people affected by DDD will progress to kidney failure ...

Eye problems can happen without any warning signs, even if you have late stage kidney disease or kidney failure. High blood pressure and diabetes can also increase your risk...


Diet is incredibly important for kidney disease patients. What you eat can cause, prevent, or even help alleviate pain and symptoms. Dieticians can help determine a diet that is specific to each patient, but there are a few foods that are packed with nutrition, low in potassium, taste great, and are fabulous for everyone. So, if you want to make a difference for yourself or for someone you love who is...