
Displaying 1121 - 1130 of 2015

Extreme weather events are becoming more common across the country. During a natural disaster, such as a blizzard, earthquake, flood, or other unpredictable power blackout or emergency event, many of the basics we depend on daily may not function. Health care services, such as dialysis treatment, can also be disrupted. While the circumstances may be out of our control, it’s possible to be prepared for emergencies. Here are seven tips to...

Economist and college professor James Doti, PhD, did the cost benefit analysis and decided that a healthy 72-year-old man who runs marathons and climbs mountains doesn’t need two kidneys and there are too many people in the world who need one.   In his analysis, it made sense that he donate a kidney, even though he didn’t personally know anyone who was in need. It wasn’t the first time that Dr. Doti, who is known in his Orange County, CA,...

Asking someone to consider kidney donation may be one of the hardest questions you ever have to ask.

You may be reluctant for any number of reasons; however, you may be surprised to learn how many people are willing to find out more about the process and go forward with testing.

Based on research the NKF has conducted with its members, below are three of the most common barriers that prevent patients from asking for a kidney,...

Some people suddenly lose their kidneys’ function. All at once, the kidneys stop doing their important tasks: eliminating excess fluid and salts and removing waste material. When the kidneys go on strike, dangerous levels of fluid, salts and wastes build up in the body. Without functioning kidneys, the person’s life is at risk.

Acute (sudden) kidney failure is the name of this problem. Most people with chronic kidney failure...

Open up your medicine cabinet at home and you're likely to find at least one type of pain medication. Often people don't realize that these same medications that help your pounding headaches disappear, reduce your fevers, and alleviate your aches and pains can have dangerous side effects including harming the kidneys. It's important to always read the label and weigh the risks and benefits before taking a particular medication.


By Matthew Cooper, M.D., and Lara Tushla

While COVID-19 has put many things on hold (school, work, travel and a multitude of life celebrations), it has not slowed down kidney disease. In fact, the rates of Acute Kidney Injury AKI) have increased dramatically and many of these AKI patients could develop chronic kidney disease (CKD) down the road.

As the pandemic spread across the country, many transplant programs dramatically...

By Kevin Longino, CEO of National Kidney Foundation and kidney transplant patient

COVID-19 isn’t going anywhere yet, and neither are the health disparities which so adversely affect minority communities. It’s essential that we plan to protect kidney patients...

The National Kidney Foundation recently joined with a broad coalition of patient advocacy groups in signing and delivering multiple letters to congressional leadership urging them to prioritize access and affordability as they consider how best to reform health care more than a year after COVID-19 first took center stage.

Improving health care access ...