NKF Serving Maryland & Delaware

Who We Are & Our Mission

We are the National Kidney Foundation offices proudly Serving Maryland & Delaware.

We are revolutionizing the fight to save lives by eliminating preventable kidney disease, accelerating innovation for the dignity of the patient experience, and dismantling structural inequities in kidney care, dialysis, and transplantation.

Kidney Walks

Thank you for supporting our Kidney Walk events! Your support helped us fight the fight, but we still need you. There is still time to donate through December. Visit the links below for more information on registering or donating today.  

Visit kidneywalk.org for more information.

Maryland Walk - Sunday, October 6, 2024, at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Northern Delaware - October 20, 2024, at Glasgow Park, New Castle, Delaware

Research Grants for Professionals

Grant Cycle OPENS on Monday, October 14, 2024 at 5:00pm

The National Kidney Foundation Serving Maryland & Delaware (NKFMDDE) local Research Grant application portal opens Monday October 14th at 5:00pm. Applications are due on Monday December 9th at 5:00pm. 

Over the years, the National Kidney Foundation has invested over $100 million to support the treatment of kidney disease. Locally, the National Kidney Foundation Serving Maryland & Delaware (NKFMDDE) has been able to distribute over $3,500,000 over the last few decades for pilot projects and for those early in their academic careers. Funding supports pilot projects focused on different areas of kidney disease (i.e., blood pressure, chronic kidney disease, urological disease, dialysis, and transplantation) that will ultimately impact improvement in the care of kidney disease patients through discovering novel mechanisms or management strategies.

Local Types of Grants

  1. Professional Development Awards- a maximum award not to exceed $40,000
  2. Mini-Grants – awards up to $10,000 each

Questions: Contact Sumeska Thavarajah, MD - Chair, Research Grants at sthavar1@jhmi.edu

Local Mission Stories

Alexis “Lexi” Snyder

Lexi, 2024 Maryland Kidney Walk Youth Ambassador

From the day Alexis aka “Lexi” was born, she has lit up the lives of anyone she encounters.
Read Lexi's story
Larry Abramson at white Sands National Park NM

Larry Abramson, Kidney Patient and Advocate

Larry Abramson, kidney patient and local NKFMDDE Advisory Board member.
Read Larry's story
Rachel and medal won at an event.

Rachel, Living Kidney Donor

Living donor, Rachel, is an avid athlete and since donating her kidney she has participated in several events through an organization called Kidney Donor Athletes.
Read Rachel's story
Michele, living kidney donor with Sal, kidney recipient

Michele and Sal, Kidney Transplant Donor and Recipient

2024 marks Michele Love (living kidney donor) and Sal's (kidney recipient) 10-year kidneyversary!
Read Michele and Sals's story
Charlotte Rice playing in the snow

Charlotte Rice, Transplant RecipientMeghan Rice - Mother

"Being a kid who is living with a terminal disease is not an easy feat. We are amazed and proud of all that Charlotte has accomplished and persevered through in her short seven years of life. We look forward to continuing to watch Charlotte blossom into a unique and independent young lady in the coming years!"
Read Charlotte's story
Clark Patterson walking in a Kidney Walk

Clark Patterson, Kidney and Pancreas Transplant Recipient

“None of this would have been possible without God, the wonderful staff at Rehoboth Beach Fresenius Kidney Care, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, the Gift of Life Howie’s House, and the lifesaving work of the National Kidney Foundation."
Read Clark's story
Vaunita Goodman

Vaunita Goodman, Kidney Advocate

“I have benefited greatly from NKFMDDE’s programs. Participating in three kidney walks, two medical lectures, and Santé has given me greater insight into the work NKF accomplishes locally. You are still a force of Nature. Do your very best to co-create the outcome that you envision."
Read Vaunita's story
Lucy Thoupos

Lucy Thoupos, Kidney Transplant RecipientChelsea Thoupos - Mother

"Post transplant, Lucy blew through milestones: Standing, crawling, walking, etc. She is still G-tube fed but we hope to eliminate that at some point. She takes medication twice a day and has routine bloodwork. Other than that, she is a normal preschooler!"
Read Lucy's story
Robert Moore

Robert Moore, Looking for a kidney donor

“As I try to process and accept everything that is happening, I still try and smile and be the best dad and husband ever. I cannot say this has been an easy journey, but I am staying hopeful that my time will come and I will get the call saying they have a kidney for me. Until then, I will continue to enjoy each day to the best of my ability.”
Read Robert's story
George Franklin III

George Franklin III, Kidney Recipient & Kidney Advocate

“I’m a kidney transplant recipient, transplanted on November 4, 1975. I am, nationally, the longest-surviving African American with a transplant from a deceased donor. I am the longest African American with a transplant in the State of Maryland.”
Read George's story
Rich Tomaski

Rich Tomaski, Dual Transplant Recipient

“I stayed as active as possible and watched my kidney-friendly diet closely for the years leading up to my surgery, which the Johns Hopkins team has told me has improved my chances of a successful transplant.”
Read Rich's story
Roseanne Bell post kidney transplant surgery

Roseanne Bell, Kidney Transplant Recipient

"We are proud to be Kidney Ambassadors for living donor transplants and will continue to document this journey along the way."
Read Rosie's story
Matt Hall

Matt Hall, Kidney Transplant Recipient

"The National Kidney Foundation served as a priceless resource and source of support during our living donor search so we love any opportunity to return the favor! It is critical that we increase community awareness surrounding living kidney donation and support our fellow kidney families along their journey."
Read Matt's story

Are YOU in the 33%?

1 in 3 adults in the United States are at risk of life-threatening kidney disease. That is over 37 MILLION individuals! Unbelievably, most of these people don't even know they have kidney disease. We want to change that.

If you or a family member have one or more risk factors, go to MinuteForYourKidneys.org today and find out what to do next and how to talk to your doctor.

Some possible risk factors you and your loved ones should be aware of:

  • High Blood Pressure
  • Heart Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Overweight or Obese
  • Family history of kidney disease.

Take the First Step:

The first step to preventing kidney disease is knowing your risk. With one minute to spare, go to minuteforyourkidneys.org and understand your risk for developing kidney disease. When was the last time a minute held so much value?

Patient Education

Living Well with Kidney Disease

Check out our four-part Patient Series sponsored by Horizon Therapeutics and the University of Maryland Medical Center to learn more about living well with kidney disease.

Sponsored by:

Beyond Dialysis

Free educational webinar for CKD patients and their caregivers. Sessions include Dialysis options, and kidney transplant, including a panel discussion with healthcare professionals, kidney patients, donors, and recipients.

Sponsored by:

Kidney Cars

Do you have a car sitting in your driveway looking for a new home? Look no further, we have the solution for you!
The Kidney Cars program is an easy way to donate your car, van, truck, or boat. By donating your vehicle, you are helping to fund public education, patient and community services, research, professional education and organ donation programs of the National Kidney Foundation Serving Maryland and Delaware.
  • Start in 1 Minute - Call 800.488.CARS (800.488.227) or select your location to start our online form.
  • Fast, Free Pickup - 24-hour pickup. All on your schedule.
  • Save on Taxes - We handle your car. You get a tax receipt.

Your Kidneys & You

Looking for someone to speak to your group about kidney disease? This education program is designed to raise awareness among the general public about kidneys, risk factors for kidney disease, and how to protect your kidneys. The National Kidney Foundation Serving Maryland and Delaware is available to present this program in a variety of community and business settings. If you are interested in having us present to your group, please contact us. We are also looking for volunteer presenters! If you are interested in being trained to help us get the word out about kidney disease, contact Nicole Scharf at nicole.scharf@kidney.org. 

Ways to Support


To send a paper check to the Maryland & Delaware office, please use the following address:

  • 11307 York Road #232, Cockeysville, MD 21030

For general online or memorial donations to the NKF Serving Maryland & Delaware, please visit the link below.


Are you interesting in becoming an advocate? NKF is the largest, most comprehensive longstanding patient organization dedicated to the awareness, prevention, and treatment of kidney disease in the U.S. Sharing your personal stories with our elected officials can make a significant difference.


Volunteering with the National Kidney Foundation of Maryland gives you a chance to be part of the mission to prevent kidney and urinary tract diseases. Millions of Americans have some form of kidney or urologic disease. Thousands die each year while waiting for kidney transplants. Hundreds of thousands need life-sustaining dialysis treatments to stay alive.

What’s your story?

We want to hear about your unique experience with a kidney transplant, living donation, or kidney disease. Your story may be the one that gives someone hope.

Local Office

11307 York Road #232
Cockeysville, MD 21030
United States

Email: info@kidneymd.org
Fax: 410.494.8549
Phone: 410.494.8545
Toll Free: 800.671.5369

Upcoming Events