Together, we can enhance the lives of kidney patients by making our voices heard in support of the issues affecting funding, treatment, research and more.
In Their Own Words
Our advocates share what motivates them to work together to be the sound of change.
Hear Ira's story on the need for the Living Donor Protection Act.
A living donor’s journey led to advocating on behalf of everyone who gives the gift of life.
Advocacy Resources

Read the Issue Brief
Kidney disease costs Medicare over $130 billion annually, representing a significant burden on patients and our health system.

Read the Issue Brief
The Living Donor Protection Act removes barriers to donation and shortens transplant waitlists, so more patients receive the gift of life.

Read the Issue Brief
Learn more about the awareness, education, and research programs that we need Congress to fund to help kidney patients nationwide.

Read the Fact Sheet
Chronic Kidney Disease affects an estimated 37 million people, more than 1 in 7 adults, in the United States.

Read the Issue Brief
Studies indicate that home dialysis can improve patient quality of life and flexibility in customizing care options.

Watch the Town Hall
Our quarterly advocate town hall presentations feature the latest on NKF’s advocacy efforts from across the country.

Watch the Briefing
Watch our training on how to effectively meet with the officials who are elected to represent you and advocate for kidney health.

Get Advocate Training
Learn how to schedule and conduct meetings and foster productive relationships with lawmakers and their staff.

Find Your State
See how kidney disease impacts every state and how Congress can help address these challenges with better public policy.

Read the Guide
We value your commitment to empowering and educating others about kidney disease and effecting policy change.

This toolkit includes everything you need to advocate for the kidney community on social media.