
Learn what NKF is doing to advocate for kidney patients in Congress and with the Administration.

A group of Kidney Patient Summit advocates outside of the US Capitol

What is NKF working on in Congress?
How is NKF engaging with regulators?
How can I get involved?

How do my state's laws impact living organ donation?


Big victories are possible with your voice.

Become involved in NKF’s advocacy and help improve kidney health by joining our most dedicated advocates. Raise your voice for kidney patients across the country.

Take Action

Contact your Members of Congress and ask them to support kidney patients and issues that are important to you.

State Fact Sheets on Kidney Disease

Kidney Patient Summit

Voices for Kidney Health advocates gather at our annual Kidney Patient Summit in Washington, DC to educate members of Congress and their staff about the importance of protecting living organ donors; increasing funds for federal kidney disease awareness, education, and research programs; and increasing access to home dialysis.

About our Advocacy Community

NKF supports and amplifies the voices of patients, donors, care partners, and professionals through our Voices for Kidney Health advocate community. By recruiting and engaging a diverse array of stakeholders from all facets the kidney community, we propose meaningful, actionable legislation and policy to improve the lives of kidney patients nationwide. Our Kidney Advocacy Committee, Kidney Outreach Team, and Public Policy Committee are comprised of dedicated advocates that advise, review, and focus our government relations efforts in ways that will be most meaningful to our community.