The future of kidney health is ours to define.

This is our moment. Bold goals, unrelenting action, and the power of you.

Mom and daughter hugging

Our mission began with a mother’s love and an unshakable belief that no family should endure the pain of kidney disease alone. 75 years later, that fight continues—but we can’t do it without you.

Your voices, actions, and generosity have always been critical to our success. Now, we invite you to join us as we accelerate progress, drive innovation, and ensure kidney care is accessible to all. 75+YOU is our bold campaign to reimagine the future of kidney health and bring life-changing solutions to millions of Americans. 

Are you in?

Man looking sincerely at camera

One day, no one’s life will be lost to kidney disease.

Every dollar donated during National Kidney Month will be matched up to $50K! Your gift today will help revolutionize kidney health and transform lives for the next 75 years and beyond by helping to:
  • Equip patients and families with knowledge, resources, and access to high-quality care.
  • Advocate for policies that address disparities and prioritize kidney health for all.
  • Fund research and technology to advance early detection, improve treatment, and expand transplant access.

Goal: Impact 75 Million Lives by 2030

Through 75+YOU we aim to drive innovation, empower patients, and advocate for systemic change with transformative investments in three key areas:

PCP speaking with his patient
  • Double the proportion of adults with kidney disease who are aware of their condition.
  • Double the number of individuals at risk for or living with CKD who receive the recommended tests to manage their health.
Woman setting up dialysis machine at home
  • Double the number of new dialysis patients starting on home dialysis.
  • Ensure equity by doubling the proportion of home dialysis patients from underrepresented communities.
Kidney recipient and kidney donor posing together at a Kidney Walk
  • Double both living and deceased kidney donations.
  • Reduce disparities in access and outcomes at every stage of the transplant process.

Our mission has become a movement because of heroes like you.

During this milestone year, we celebrate 75 changemakers who’ve contributed to NKF’s legacy of action, innovation and hope. 

Each hero has led the charge for extraordinary progress in kidney disease. They are the driving force behind life-saving kidney health initiatives big and small.

Countless incredible heroes contributed to our lifesaving mission over the last 75 years. Visit again to see more inspiring stories as we continue to honor and celebrate them during this milestone year.

75 Years of Progress

In our 75-year history, we’ve accomplished significant milestones that showcase the incredible impact of your steadfast support: transforming kidney health, one person at a time. This is what happens when we put kidney patients first, unite diverse voices to fuel progress, and strategically invest every dollar to create meaningful change.

1950 icon

First meeting of the Committee for Nephrosis Research is held.

That was the National Kidney Foundation’s former name.

1972 icon

Medicare End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) benefit is established.

ESRD provides federal government financing for nearly all Americans with kidney failure.

1995 icon

NKF's Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI®) launches.

KDOQI® established clinical practice guidelines to improve patient care in key areas.

2021 icon

NKF & ASN Task Force announce a new race-free calculation for estimating eGFR.

The United States Pathology and Laboratory Society Leadership endorse its use as standard procedure in US.