Hub Committee Member
Kari Rancourt is a Living Donor Transplant Coordinator at Hartford Hospital. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Endicott College in Beverly, MA. She started her career as a nurse at Hartford Hospital in 2006 on the transplant floor caring for kidney, liver, and heart transplant recipients as well as living kidney donors. In 2014 she transitioned to the outpatient transplant office and soon after was strongly encouraged to move into living donation.
Since October 2015 she has helped grow the living donor program at Hartford Hospital to more than double in volume. She is passionate about educating patients, staff, the nephrology community, and the public about living donation options. She serves on the Operations Committee for the National Kidney Registry, the Medical Advisory Board for the National Kidney Foundation serving Connecticut, and as a Co-Chair of the Board of Directors for Donate Life Connecticut. In January 2023, she became a nondirected kidney donor utilizing the National Kidney Registry’s Family Voucher program.
Outside of work, she lives with her husband and two children. She enjoys reading, yoga, and spending time with family and friends.

Kari Rancourt, RN BSN CCTC