eGFR Calculator App

Updated iOS and Android eGFR apps are now available.
Helps medical professionals estimate kidney function using five separate eGFR calculators. Also includes an easy-to-use reference list and other information to help clinicians identify risk factors, evaluate for CKD, and manage progression using evidence-based strategies from the KDOQI guidelines.
NKF and the American Society of Nephrology have convened a Task Force to focus on the use of race to estimate GFR. Read more about the task force here.
Includes the following eGFR calculators:
- CKD-EPI Creatinine Equation (2021) Preferred method
- Revised Bedside Schwartz Formula (For ages 1-17)
- Cockcroft-Gault Formula
- CKD-EPI Cystatin C Equation (2012)
- CKD-EPI Creatinine-Cystatin C Equation (2021)