Take Charge of Your Kidney Health

Take Charge of Your Kidney Health

Take Charge of your Kidney Health is a FREE 8-week workshop for people with Chronic Kidney Disease who want to learn how to manage their illness and live healthier with kidney disease.

Two people working on a computer

What is Take Charge?

Take Charge of your Kidney Health is a FREE 8-week workshop for people with Chronic Kidney Disease who want to learn how to manage their illness and live healthier with kidney disease.

Take Charge provides an accountable and supportive environment for you to learn new techniques to manage a variety of problems associated with kidney disease. Discover effective methods for day-to-day management of ongoing health conditions, while engaging with leaders and participants who share experiences similar to yours!

Currently, classes are delivered virtually through Zoom. You will log in from your home, workplace or wherever you have access to internet and computer/smart phone/tablet. Assistance with learning to use the Zoom platform is available!

Who Should Participate in a Take Charge Workshop?

This workshop is for YOU if:

  • You have kidney disease, kidney failure, are on dialysis, or have a kidney transplant
  • You are a caregiver or loved one of someone with kidney disease

Details About the Program

The program is 8 weeks long and meets for 2 – 2 ½ hours each week. The workshop is led by trained facilitators who have kidney disease themselves.

Topics Covered during the Workshop include:

  • Overview of self-management and chronic health conditions
  • What is Chronic Kidney Disease
  • Connection between kidney disease and other chronic conditions
  • Tools to manage kidney disease
  • Ask experts questions about kidney disease
  • Communication skills
  • Working with your health care team
  • Making informed healthcare decisions
  • Fatigue and getting a good night's sleep
  • Using your mind to manage symptoms
  • Dealing with difficult emotions and depression
  • Physical activity and exercise
  • Pain management
  • Healthy eating
  • Medication usage

The first six weeks focus on overall healthy living. Participants will learn about techniques and tools to manage a chronic illness including how deal with problems such as frustration, fatigue, and sleep problems. In addition, they will discover ideas for medication management, meeting nutritional needs, and much much more.

Week 7 and 8 go into detail about kidney disease and how to use the self-management tools taught earlier in the workshop to better manage your kidney disease. These sessions include more information about kidneys and kidney disease, how to manage the kidney diet, and includes a question and answer session with health care professionals.

What do participants say?

"I'm so glad I signed up for the class. It was informational and helpful to me to start to understand what I was going to experience. I'm still settling in to my CKD and it's scary, but my husband has been very supportive. [The leaders] did an excellent job."

"Our leaders have done an excellent job at helping our group deal with our issues and problems in a relaxed, informal way. It has helped me to re-order my time and priorities during this challenging period. I'm very grateful and appreciative of their efforts."

How do I attend?

Want to learn more or sign up for a workshop? Click here

How do I learn more?

Contact mallory.caron@kidney.org

Thank you to our sponsors!

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