

Congratulations to the NKF 2024 Spring Clinical Meetings accepted abstract authors! Check out their groundbreaking work in the e-Poster gallery.

SCM24 presenter talking to another attendee

SCM25 Abstract Timeline

August 30, 2024

General Abstract Submissions Open

November 30, 2024

General Abstract 
Submissions Close

January 2025

General Abstract Author Notifications

Late-Breaking Abstract Submissions Open


NEW to SCM25 - Oral Abstract Sessions: Invitations for a select group of authors to formally present their research will be extended in January 2025. The presentations will take place on Thursday, April 10, from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM ET.


February 2025

Late-Breaking Abstract Submissions Close

Late-Breaking Abstract Author Notification

Abstract Publication

NKF proudly publishes the majority of abstracts as an electronic-only supplement in the May issue of the American Journal of Kidney Diseases (AJKD). Nephrology Social Work abstracts will publish in the spring issue of the Journal of Nephrology Social Work (JNSW).

Poster and e-Poster Guidelines

General submission abstract notifications have been distributed. Congratulations to all accepted authors! 


All accepted research publications have the option to display a physical poster at SCM24, upload an e-Poster to the online gallery, or both. e-Poster upload is now available through the SCM portal until May 13, 2024. 


Please note, authors who choose to display a physical poster are required to print and bring their poster on-site at SCM. Please see the resources below for more information. 


Abstract Details

Submission Types




General research abstracts will be accepted from August 30 through November 30, 2023, 11:59pm PT

Multiple research abstracts can be submitted by an individual. However, it is recommended to submit only one abstract per study. Submission of multiple abstracts on a single study may result in the rejection of one or more of the abstracts.

Abstract may be submitted in one of the below categories:

  • Acute Kidney Injury/ICU Medicine
  • Case Reports
  • CKD/ESRD - Anemia
  • CK/ESRD - Cardiovascular Disease
  • CKD/ESRD - Mineral Metabolism and Kidney Stones
  • CKD/ESRD - Prevalence, Progression and Preparation for Dialysis
  • CKD/ESRD - Vascular Access
  • CKD/ESRD - Other
  • Diabetic Nephropathy
  • Electrolyte and Acid Base Abnormalities
  • Glomerular Diseases
  • Health Policy
  • Hereditary Kidney Disease/PKD
  • Home Dialysis - Home Hemodialysis/Peritoneal Dialysis
  • Hypertension
  • Interprofessional Collaboration
  • Nutrition
  • Quality Improvement
  • Transplantation
  • Other



Late-breaking abstracts will be accepted from January 11 to February 1, 2024, 11:59pm PT.

Only results from major clinical trials or epidemiological studies will be considered for review.

Submission Guidelines

  • Processing Fee: The $60 processing fee per abstract submission is nonrefundable. The fee must be paid at the time of submission by credit card.
  • Character Limit: Each abstract is limited to a maximum of 2,500 characters including spaces, title, and author information. You may upload a figure in jpeg or png format which will reduce the maximum characters by 400 to 2100 characters. In addition, you may upload up to 3 supplementary files in pdf, jpeg, mp3 or mp4 format with a max size of 25 MB (online only, supplementary files will not be published in the abstract book).
  • Abbreviations: Use of standard abbreviations is desirable, e.g., RBC. Use kg., gm., mg., ml., L, and %. Place a special or unusual abbreviation in parentheses after the full word or phrase the first time it appears. Use numerals to indicate numbers, except to begin sentences. Do not use subtitles, e.g., Methods, Results.
  • Case Reports: Please note that “Case Reports” is its own separate topic. Case Reports submitted should be novel and should have a single, well-defined message with meaningful clinical, diagnostic or therapeutic implications adequately supported by the clinical evaluation and diagnostic tests.
  • Abstract structure: Organize the abstract as follows:
  • Introduction: Statement of the purpose of the study, program, project or case report.
  • Methods: Statement of the methods or interventions used.
  • Results: Summary of the results presented in sufficient detail to support the conclusion.
  • Conclusion: Statement of the implications, conclusions reached or key message.


  • Research and late-breaking abstracts must be electronically submitted through the NKF abstract submission portal by their respective deadlines.
  • NKF professional membership is not required for abstract submission or authorship.
  • Abstracts will not be considered if the research has been presented at another meeting or press conference and published prior to the Spring Clinical Meetings.
  • The presenting author of an accepted abstract will be invited to participate in a poster Q/A on-site in Long Beach, CA at the Spring Clinical Meetings. However, acceptance of an abstract does not waive the registration fee. To participate in the poster Q/A, you must register for SCM24.
  • Upon abstract submission, all contributors must agree to the NKF embargo policy.

NKF Embargo Policy

In compliance with the Securities and Exchange Commission's Regulation FD (Fair Disclosure), accepted abstracts are made available to the public on the NKF website and are published in AJKD, ACKD, JRN, or JNSW (dependent on discipline) in advance of the meeting. Thus, the first release of the abstracts is a public release. Coverage of additional research being presented at the NKF Spring Clinical Meetings is under embargo until 8am PT on May 15, 2024.

Academic institutions, private organizations, and companies with products whose value may be influenced by information contained in an abstract may issue a press release to coincide with the availability of an abstract. However, the NKF continues to require that information that goes beyond that contained within the abstract, e.g., discussion of the abstract done as part of a scientific presentation, is to be embargoed until the start of the Meetings. Violation of this policy may result in the abstract being withdrawn from the meeting and other measures deemed appropriate. Journalists failing to abide by the embargo may have their press credentials revoked. 

Important Dates & Deadlines

  • General Research Deadlines: The general research abstract submission period opens on August 30, 2023 and must be submitted into the system by 11:59pm PT on Thursday, November 30, 2023. 
  • Late-Breaking Abstracts: The late-breaking abstract submission period opens on January 11, 2024, and closes on February 1, 2024, 11:59pm PT.
  • SCM Registration: Registration for SCM24 opens in October 2023. The early-bird registration rate ends on March 1, 2024.
  • Notifications: NKF will email notifications to the submission author in early January 2024. It is the responsibility of the submitter to share the notification with the other contributors. 
  • Abstract Edits: Edits to abstracts submitted via email to clinicalmeetings@kidney.org will be accepted until January 15, 2024. After this deadline, no further changes, including author updates, will be permitted. Accepted abstracts will be printed as they were submitted with any changes as of January 15, 2024.
  • SCM Attendance: Accepted abstracts may choose to display a poster in-person at the 2024 Spring Clinical Meetings in Long Beach, CA, upload an e-poster in our virtual poster gallery, or both. Poster authors that are participating in the on-site Q/A in Long Beach, CA, are requested to attend the SCM24 Opening Ceremonies on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, from 5:30pm – 7:00pm PT.
  • e-Poster Uploads: Accepted abstracts that choose to upload an e-Poster should do so by May 13, 2024. 
  • Withdrawals: The submitter may request abstract withdrawal through January 15, 2024, by emailing clinicalmeetings@kidney.org. After January 15, 2024, withdrawal requests will be accepted on a case-by-case basis, but the abstract may still be included in the e-supplement of AJKD. Please note, the $60 submission fee is nonrefundable.
  • Disclosures: All contributors are responsible for submitting their own disclosures. Please allow adequate time to gather this information by May 24, 2024
Covers of Journal of Nephrology Social Work and American Journal of Kidney Diseases

Abstract Publication

NKF proudly publishes the majority of abstracts as an electronic-only supplement in the April issue of the American Journal of Kidney Diseases (AJKD). Nephrology Social Work abstracts will publish in the spring issue of the Journal of Nephrology Social Work (JNSW).
Accepted abstract authors are invited to present a poster on-site at the 2024 Spring Clinical Meetings in Long Beach, CA, and/or upload an e-poster to the virtual poster gallery.

Previous Abstracts

Abstracts are presented on posters, highlighting critical issues such as acute kidney injury, ICU medicine,
transplantation, hemodialysis, diabetes, and hypertension, among many other topics.