
Displaying 801 - 810 of 2014
  Embargoed: May 9, 2019, 6:00PM EDTEmbargoed: May 9, 2019, 6:00PM EDT   Results to be presented at the National Kidney Foundation 2019 Spring Clinical Meetings   New York, NY – May 9, 2019 - A new study suggests that socioeconomic factors play a significant role in the increased risk of pregnancy-related acute kidney injury among minority women and the findings will be presented at the...
  New York, NY - May 9, 2019 – Investigators from around the country presented hundreds of studies about kidney health and chronic kidney disease during the National Kidney Foundation’s 2019 Spring Clinical Meetings in Boston, May 8-12.   The event is a chance for investigators to share their findings with more than 3,000 kidney healthcare professionals who attend the annual...
  Team examines 10 years of data on about 6,000 patients that suggests inequalities play a role   January 14, 2019, New York, NY– A team of five researchers published a new study in the American Journal of Kidney Diseases (AJKD) that suggests kidney health for black patients may depend on where they live.   Their study that looked at 10 years of data on thousands of people with...
  Will meet with lawmakers on Capitol Hill to inspire action for kidney disease; Secretary of Health and Human Services is featured guest speaker   New York, NY, March 4, 2019 — Advocates from kidney organizations around the country – joined by 11-year-old singing phenom and kidney transplant recipient Angelica Hale – will converge on Capitol Hill to meet with their lawmakers to inspire action for kidney disease at the...

You don’t need a green thumb to start growing your own fruits and vegetables. These beginner plants can be grown indoors, year-round.

Why plant-based diets can be great for some people with kidney disease

Plant-based diets can be extremely beneficial for many people with chronic kidney disease (CKD) at any stage and those who are at risk of developing kidney disease. Consuming less meat and more plant-based foods may even help prevent...

  Washington, D.C., March 6, 2019 — Advocates from kidney organizations around the country – joined by 11-year-old singing powerhouse and kidney transplant recipient Angelica Hale, brought personal stories, passion and purpose to Capitol Hill as they met with their respective lawmakers to inspire and request real action for kidney disease during the 6th Annual...
  Dr. Powe to receive the David M. Hume Memorial Award at the 2019 Spring Clinical Meetings   New York, NY, Dec. 4, 2018 - Each year the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) considers the work of hundreds of specialists in the field of nephrology and selects among them those who most exemplify the relentless efforts of the NKF to enhance the lives of patients through action, education and accelerating change.   This year, Dr. Neil...
  New York, NY—February 14, 2019—Today, four bi-partisan Members of Congress introduced legislation to protect living organ donors and remove barriers to donation. Representative Jerry Nadler (D-NY) and Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA) joined by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) introduced...

Scroll through Melanie Pina's TikTok to find a bright, funny, and genuine person detailing her life with lupus and on peritoneal dialysis. With every video, she educates her audience, finds the humor in her situation, and brings hope to countless others who struggle with kidney disease. 

How did she become this beacon of hope? Read on for Melanie's inspirational story.

Melanie’s diagnosis


  Award to be presented at the 2019 Spring Clinical Meetings   New York, NY, Dec. 4, 2018 - Each year the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) considers the work of hundreds of specialists in the field of nephrology and selects among them those who most exemplify the relentless efforts of the NKF to enhance the lives of patients through action, education and accelerating change.   Their work is vital to the 30 million people who are...