
Displaying 331 - 340 of 2012

CKD-aP, CKD-associated pruritus, or uremic pruritus are all names for a common and disruptive symptom of kidney disease: itching. According to one survey, pruritus is common in non-dialysis stage 2 kidney disease patients with up to 58% reporting at least somewhat intense, recurrent itching.1 In a separate survey of patients on dialysis, 61% self-reported a somewhat intense itch and 25% reported very or extremely intense itching.1


UPDATE: On April 26, the US House of Representatives passed a bill that included the proposals below, and now it is with the Senate for consideration. Please contact your Senators and ask them to Protect Medicaid and Oppose Work Requirements.

House Republicans released their plan to address the looming debt ceiling crisis. While we appreciate the need to reduce deficit spending, we are concerned that Medicaid work requirements and...

Continuing education series for professionals.

Navigating the holiday season as a kidney disease, dialysis, or transplant patient is difficult but possible. Here’s how you can help your patients enjoy the holiday and stay safe. 

Kidney disease and dialysis recommendations


By Anthony E. Tuggle, NKF National Board Chair

COVID-19 and its disproportionate impact on people of color revealed the continued social and racial inequities that still exist in our healthcare system today. With the high rates of COVID-19 deaths among under-represented communities to the reaction around the world...

Every March, the US House of Representatives begins its annual budget and appropriations process. There are forms and meetings and sign-on letters circulating, as well as many groups doing Hill Days or Fly-Ins, much like our annual Kidney Patient Summit.

If you participated in this year’s KPS, you know that one of our asks was for...

After graduating high school in 2015, Mario Silva joined the Marine Corps and began his career at a base in South Carolina, working as an administrator and performing military funerals. He fell into a rhythm and loved his job, but a short year later, Mario's commanding officer sent him to the sick bay for a routine annual physical that would change his life forever.

Mario's kidney disease diagnosis

The doctors found that Mario's blood...

In the past, some medical calculations, like the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), included race in their estimates. After countless hours of research, analysis, and discussion, the National Kidney Foundation and the American Society of Nephrology eGFR Task Force recommended a new race-free approach to measuring eGFR. 

What does this new equation mean for patients, especially those who identify as Black or African...

We know that when kidney disease is diagnosed in the early stages, the patient has the best chance of managing the illness and living without its serious complications. But too often this silent disease goes undetected until it’s too late.

Now, thanks to a new evaluation protocol, called a...

There is promising news for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and type 2 diabetes—a serious medical condition that is also known as diabetic kidney disease.

Clinical trials have shown finerenone, a pill taken once per day, may prevent diabetic kidney disease from getting worse. Worsening diabetic kidney...