
Displaying 311 - 320 of 2012

Mental health is important for people with kidney disease. Far too many people face kidney disease without enough emotional support, but NKF Peers is working to change this. 

What is NKF Peers?

Kidney disease is overwhelming. You may feel lost, alone, or unsure of what to do next, but there is someone who can be by your side throughout your kidney health journey. NKF Peers is a free program for people with late-stage kidney...

Tim, was an energetic, healthy 29-year-old sailor in the Navy when he suddenly collapsed and was rushed to the hospital. There, he received news that shocked him and turned his life upside down: He had kidney failure.

Unexpected kidney failure diagnosis

Tim's first hint that something was wrong were symptoms his doctor dismissed as the flu. Thinking nothing of it, Tim returned to work as usual. Unfortunately, it was his body letting...

According to the FDA, more than 80% of Americans aren't getting enough foods from the Dietary Guidelines, like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains–while eating too many added sugars, saturated fat, and sodium. Consequently, diet-related diseases like diabetes, high blood...

Receiving a kidney disease diagnosis can be overwhelming and lead to mental health struggles like depression or anxiety. Talking with someone who has gone through similar experiences can help–just ask NKF Peer's mentee Manusca Benony and her mentor Doris Lew.

Manusca's kidney disease journey

Manusca struggled to control her...

In August 2018, Robert and Ketanya Moore decided to switch life insurance companies. The new company required health tests to determine their premiums, but as healthy, active adults, neither were too worried. They went to the doctors for routine checkups and thought nothing more of it. 

Then Ketanya got the call that would change their lives forever–the insurance company thought something might be wrong with Robert's...

Her grandmother was a dietitian, mother a nurse, stepfather a pharmacist.

Erica Cohen was raised in a household full of healthcare professionals. 

That didn't stop her life from being touched by kidney disease. First, her grandfather's kidneys failed, and then her stepfather's soon after.

With this background, Erica followed in her family's healthcare footsteps. She became a registered nurse and joined a kidney-...

Both the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) and the Coalition for Kidney Health (C4KH),  a multi-stakeholder group of partners convened by NKF, recently weighed in on a draft research plan on chronic kidney disease (CKD) screenings authored by the United...

March means signs of spring, filling out college basketball brackets, and if you are a congressional staffer, fielding a TON of appropriations requests as budgets for the coming fiscal year are being written. It’s a multi-step process that can take months, but as participants in our recent Virtual Kidney Patient Summit know, now is the time to be making your ask!

Asking Congress to increase funding

This year, NKF is making a major push...

Immigrants in NYC living in unsafe, illegal basements; the impact of COVID-19; the achievements and struggles of the LGBTQIA+ community—Emmy®, Telly, and GLAAD-winning journalist Eliecer Marte is no stranger to uncovering hard-hitting stories that educate the public about important topics.

Now Marte is using his platform to shed light on kidney disease. 

A personal connection

Marte has a family history of hypertension (high...

Raúl de Molina made a name for himself as a freelance photo reporter in Miami during the 80s. He covered everything from police corruption to sporting events and celebrity sightings. Fate stepped in during the late 90s when TV producers were searching for their next big star. They found Raúl and he, alongside model Lili Estefan, became the face of El Gordo y la Flaca, a Spanish-language talk show. Twenty-five years and two Emmy® awards later...