
Displaying 291 - 300 of 2012
  June 5, 2019   The National Kidney Foundation (NKF) applauds Senators Benjamin Cardin (D-MD) and Roy Blunt (R-MO) for introducing legislation that seeks to expand access to high-quality care for chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. The Chronic Kidney Disease Improvement in Research and Treatment Act of 2019 (...
  New online platform will provide unique and powerful infrastructure for patient engagement, research studies and public health advocacy initiatives   New York, NY — May 21, 2019 – Today the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) announced a comprehensive plan to develop the first-ever national registry for patients at all stages of CKD called the NKF Patient Network.  The NKF Patient Network will create an...
  Quotes for attribution to National Kidney Foundation April 14, 2019   “Data from the CREDENCE trial published today in the New England Journal of Medicine demonstrate that INVOKANA® (Canagliflozin) can help reduce the risk of end stage renal disease (ESRD) and cardiovascular events in patients already diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease (CKD).  If this supplemental indication is approved by the Food and...

Award-winning actress and NKF’s chief medical officer take their message directly to the American Academy of Family Physicians

Sept. 30, 2021, New York, NY — Family doctors and primary care practices need to ramp up kidney disease testing, using both a blood and...

  National Kidney Foundation launches new tools for clinicians and public health practitioners to improve screening, recognition and management of the disease   New York, NY—January 9, 2019—Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a largely invisible and growing public health problem that is widely under-recognized; and it is rising faster than all noninfectious diseases, including cardiovascular disease. Despite current guidelines which...
  New York, NY, October 11, 2018 –  Is Medicare driving late-stage chronic kidney disease patients to dialysis prematurely because it does not pay for comprehensive, non-dialysis care within the offices of nephrologists? Three researchers have concluded that it is time to reform the federal payment system.   Dr. Jeffrey S. Berns, MD,...

Authors studied lab results for 28 million Americans with the highest risk and found most are not getting recommended tests to detect life-threatening disease

August 5, 2021, New York, NY — New data suggest that millions of patients most at-risk for life-threatening kidney disease are unaware they have it because they are not tested according to clinical practice guidelines despite their risk. The study, by authors from the National...

  National Kidney Foundation launches new forum for families   New York, NY—September 17, 2018— The National Kidney Foundation has launched a new online pediatric community just for parents of children with kidney disease.  The new online community, Parents of Children with Kidney Disease, is supported through the HealthUnlocked platform and is a safe and supportive space...
  New Clinical Trial Screens Hypertensive Population   Austin, TX—April 10, 2018—Today, the National Kidney Foundation (NKF), Geisinger and announced the launch of a novel clinical trial using a smartphone-enabled home urinalysis device for chronic kidney disease (CKD) among patients with high blood pressure.   Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a contributing risk factor to CKD.  One of the best ways to test...
  National Kidney Foundation Launches Video Spot for April –National Donate Life Month and National Minority Health Month   New York, NY—Monday, April 2, 2018— For many, spring marks a fresh start. Yet for others, as April – National Donate Life Month and National Minority Health Month – begins, it’s a reminder of the staggering reality and ratio that...