
Displaying 21 - 30 of 2011

With summer approaching, it's time to switch up your diet and try new recipes. Here are five foods to add to your grocery list that are as healthy for you as they are tasty. 

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Everyone has different nutritional needs. Speak with a kidney dietitian or a...

La salud mental es importante para las personas con enfermedad renal. Demasiadas personas enfrentan enfermedad renal sin suficiente apoyo emocional, pero NKF Peers está trabajando para cambiar esto.

¿Qué es NKF Peers?

La enfermedad renal es agobiante. Tal vez se sienta perdido, solo o esté inseguro de cuáles son los pasos a seguir, pero hay alguien que puede estar a su lado a lo largo de todo el camino que...

It's March! That means it's time to celebrate National Kidney Month, raise awareness about kidney disease, and take control of your health. This might sound like a lot, but we're here to help with five ways you can improve your kidney health today.

Table of contents
  1. Know your risk factors
  2. Get moving
  3. ...

Did you spend this holiday season worrying about everyone else? If so, it's time to take a break and give your health some attention. After all, 1 in 3 adults in the U.S. are at risk for kidney disease. But early detection can help you successfully prevent or slow it.

1. Know your risks
