
Displaying 1471 - 1480 of 2014

By Wilson Du, dialysis patient

I was always big growing up and reached 250 lbs. by high school. As a young adult, I was extremely unhealthy, with high blood pressure and other various health issues that were killing my body. 

I went into the ER one day in June of 2016, weighing a whopping 312 lbs., to check out some pains. I thought I would just get some pain killers and be sent on my way. Instead, I was told my...


There are lots of ways to help a person with kidney disease fight their medical battles: offer positive encouragement, help with family needs, donate cars, and sometimes a shoulder to cry on. But there’s also some things you can do to help them with the emotional side of their battle. Helping a kidney patient find peace and comfort in the midst of their treatments can help...

Thousands of accidents are caused every year due to unrestrained pets, according to the American Automobile Association. If you have a pet you like to bring with you on road trips, it’s vital to realize that they have special needs when they are riding in a vehicle.

    Rules to Follow for Safe Pet Travel 1. Always Restrain Your Pet

If your pet is unrestrained and you make a sudden stop or even have a low...

Good and trusted mechanics are worth their weight in gold. Keeping your car in tip top shape without draining your wallet for unnecessary repairs is what we all want. However, we do need to be on the lookout for auto repair fraud.

Are you tired of spending so much money on car repairs? Maybe you are being overcharged for services that aren’t really needed. Here are five vehicle repairs to watch out for.


Just in the last decade, auto manufacturers have substantially transformed the way they build cars. Major advancements and improvements that seemed impossible just ten years have, are now enjoyed in many new vehicles.


If you are wanting to purchase or have purchased a newer vehicle, Kidney cars is taking old car donations for the National Kidney Foundation to enhance the lives of those affected by...

When hitting the road for a trip or errand, the last thing on our minds is our car breaking down on the side of the road. No one plans on being stranded or getting into a car accident, but misfortunate things do happen.


Kidney Cars is the car donation foundation for supporting people suffering from kidney disease. Today, we are sharing eleven...


During this holiday season of love why not show the one you love your heart by donating your car to charity? Nothing says I love you better than showing your giant heart by giving to others in need.

When we think of others rather than ourselves the depth of our love increases and it shows in our faces, our actions and our everyday lives. Love is kind and selfless and...

More and more people consider vehicle donations to charity as a way to help their favorite cause and get a deduction on their taxes. Because car donation is increasing in popularity as a form of contribution, it’s important to make sure that the charity is trustworthy and that the car donated will in fact benefit the charity.


  Here are some tips on...

By Risa Simon, NKF patient advocate and founder of The Proactive Path and Transplantfirst Academy; and Michael Stevenson, NKF National Board Member and patient advocate.

As kidney patients we adhere to routine lab draws, whether we like it or not. Add COVID-19’s unpredictability factor and anxieties can soar. The thought of standing in line with others in a waiting room is cause...

Car accidents happen, even to cautious drivers. Being involved in a car accident is a traumatic experience which can cause shock and anxiety. It’s important to stay calm and focussed. There are things you can do to protect yourself if you do experience a car crash.

    Here are ten simple things to do directly after an accident.  

1. Check Yourself. Assess yourself and any passengers for possible injuries....