
Displaying 1011 - 1020 of 2015

Upstate New York nurse to receive honor at NKF’s Spring Clinical Meetings 2022

Jan. 11, 2022, New York, NY — Each year The National Kidney Foundation (NKF) considers the work of hundreds of specialists in the field of Nephrology and selects among them those who most exemplify the relentless efforts of NKF to enhance the lives of patients through action, education, and accelerating...


Designed for people who need to limit their fluid intake, especially people with hyponatremia, kidney failure, or heart disease.

  • Includes easy-to-use tools to track your daily fluid intake, weight, and blood pressure.
  • Helps you understand the link between kidney disease, heart disease, and hyponatremia
  • Alerts you if your blood pressure or weight reaches a level that requires notifying your...
By David Wilson, CKD patient and NKF advocate    I was diagnosed with kidney disease when I was 22 months old. This came as a shock to my parents – we had no family history of kidney disease that we were aware of and knew very little about it. I was put on medication along with chemotherapy to delay progression of the disease. This made for a tough childhood. I struggled...

November 4, 2021

Today, the National Kidney Foundation (NKF), the leading kidney patient organization in the U.S., applauds the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for protecting dialysis patients. A new rule issued today will require COVID-19 vaccination of all staff including employees,...

Una encuesta reciente de personas en hemodiálisis reveló que el prurito, también conocido como prurito asociado a nefropatía crónica, fue frecuente, de modo que el 61% indicó que el prurito fue, como mínimo, “algo intenso” y el 25%, “muy intenso” o “extremadamente intenso”. Alrededor de la mitad de los encuestados también dijeron que el prurito...

Kidney-friendly meals don't have to be bland. These easy-to-prepare, delicious recipes are packed with fresh produce, lean proteins, and other kidney-friendly ingredients that will impress your guests while keeping your kidneys happy. 

1. Chef Duane’s Vegan Cheese


The term "superfood" is often thrown around with promises of miraculous benefits. The reality is more grounded: maintaining kidney health involves a thoughtful approach to nutrition. While these foods aren't magical solutions, they are perfect to include in a well-balanced diet. 

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  1. Cherries
  2. Shellfish
  3. Açai berries...

Maria Madak creció haciéndose chequeos regulares y análisis de sangre para llevar un registro de su función renal debido a sus posibilidades de heredar la nefropatía por IgA (NIgA), un tipo de enfermedad renal. Cuando María se fue de casa, suspendió las citas frecuentes porque nunca había tenido ningún problema de función renal hasta ese momento. Tuvo varios brotes de enfermedades en los siguientes años, pero desaparecieron con tratamiento,...