About the NKF Council of Nephrology Nurses & Technicians®
Executive Committee
Feel free to contact the NKF-CNNT Executive Committee member at any time to offer your ideas, to volunteer for a special project, or whenever you need additional information.
Chair | |
Chair-Elect | Cheryl Cress, RN, CNN ccress@wustl.edu |
Immediate Past Chair | Forest Rawls, CHT, CCHT-A, FNKF forest.rawls@emoryhealthcare.org |
SCM Program Chair | Leonor Ponferrada, BSN, RN, CNN, FNKF ponferradal@health.missouri.edu |
SCM Program Co-Chair | Jennifer Jungemann, BSN jjungemann@huronregional.org |
Publications Chair | Sheila Deziel, MSN, RN, CNN, FNKF sdeziel@cox.net |
Director-at-Large & Awards Chair Research | Michelle Givens, RN |
Director-at-Large Outreach | |
Director-at-Large Education | |
Director-at-Large Public Policy |
Goals of the National Kidney Foundation Council of Nephrology Nurses and Technicians® (CNNT)
A. To develop and promote educational opportunities for nephrology nurses, technicians, and technologists.
B. To collaborate with the National Kidney Foundation regarding local and federal legislation affecting nurses, technicians, and technologists.
C. To promote research related to kidney disease and issues affecting nephrology nurses, technicians, and technologists.
D. To promote and participate in the establishment of public services projects directed for the prevention and detection of kidney diseases and care of persons with kidney disease.