NKF Serving Kentucky

Kidney Walk

The Kidney Walk is the nation's largest walk to fight kidney disease. Held in nearly 70 communities, the event raises awareness and funds lifesaving programs that educate and support patients, their families and those at risk. Take a lifesaving step today and sign up for a walk! Register here.
Louisville Kidney Walk – Fall 2025 at L&N Stadium! 

For more information, contact Whitney Vogel at 502.585.5433 ext. 841 or Whitney.Vogel@kidney.org.

View photos from our past events on our Facebook page!

NKF Golf Classic

Join us for the NKF Golf Classic! It will be held June 2, 2025 at Hurstbourne Country Club. The Golf Classic is the nation's premier amateur golf event for charity. Members of the winning team will receive the opportunity to advance to the Golf Classic Championship at Pebble Beach Golf Links in Pebble Beach, California. Please contact Brittany Statts at Brittany.Statts@kidney.org or 502.585.5433 ext. 843 for more information. 

View photos from our past events on our Facebook page!


Patient Summit

Join us on November 9, 2025, for our Kidney Patient Summit. The Patient Summit is a free event for kidney patients and their family members. The program includes educational sessions to empower kidney patients from early-stage CKD to transplantation.
This event targets those affected by kidney disease and their caretakers to create a safe, productive forum to build their social support network and directly engage with local healthcare leaders and service providers.
Please contact Tasha Burks at Tasha.Burks@kidney.org or 502.585.5433 ext. 842 for more information.

2025 Gift of Life

Splash of Orange

Make plans to join us March 15, 2025, at the Speed Art Museum, to support the National Kidney Foundation’s Gift of Life.  We will be honoring the dedicated medical professionals and pioneers in the treatment of chronic kidney disease. Festivities will include a silent auction, dinner, awards ceremony, and an exciting live auction.

For additional information please contact Brittany Statts at Brittany.Statts@kidney.org or 502.585.5433 ext. 843.

View photos from our past events on our Facebook page!

A conversation can save a life.

The Big Ask, The Big Give

Often the hardest part for someone with kidney failure is asking a loved one or friend to become a donor. Whether you need a kidney or are considering donation, let us help you start the conversation. Living donation makes better lives possible. 

Please contact Tasha Burks at Tasha.Burks@kidney.org or 502.585.5433 ext. 842 for more information.

Drive for Dialysis

Drive for Dialysis is a hands-on, non-skills based corporate volunteer opportunity that allows you to engage your staff/colleagues from the comfort of your office. Employees unite as a team to assemble care packages for delivery to a local dialysis clinic(s); while learning about kidney disease and its risk factors. 

To learn more how your company can support, contact Tasha Burks at Tasha.Burks@kidney.org or 502-585-5433 ext. 842.

Additional Support

Kentucky Organ Donor Registry

Across the nation, citizens have the opportunity to help others by signing up to become organ and tissue donors through state donor registries.

Kidney Pathways

Take control of your kidney health. Answer a few questions and we will provide you with information about your kidney health.

Eating Right

Are you looking for new kidney-friendly recipes? Regardless of which CKD stage you are in, there is a recipe for you to enjoy! Start your cooking journey now!

NKF Peers

  • NKF PEERS is a peer mentoring program, where kidney patients are connected via phone with trained mentors who have been there themselves. Peer mentors can share their experiences with dialysis, transplant, or living kidney donation with you.  
  • Call toll-free 1.855.NKF.PEERS (855.653.7337) or email nkfpeers@kidney.org

NKF Cares

  • Our Patient Information Help Line, NKF Cares, offers support for people affected by kidney disease, organ donation or transplantation. It's designed just for patients, family members and care partners. Speak with a trained specialist who will answer your questions and listen to your concerns
  • Call toll–free 1.855.NKF.CARES  (1.855.653.2273)  or email nkfcares@kidney.org

A to Z Health Guide

Alphabetical list of additional kidney topics and support.

Ways to Support


To send a physical check to the Kentucky office, please use this address:
12468 LaGrange Rd, #207
Louisville, Kentucky 40245

If you would prefer to make a donation online, please visit the link below.


Are you interested in becoming an advocate? NKF is the largest, most comprehensive longstanding patient organization dedicated to the awareness, prevention and treatment of kidney disease in the U.S. If interested in using your voice to help advocate for kidney patients or donors, please visit the link below.

Donate Your Car

Do you have a car sitting in your driveway looking for a new home? Look no further, we have the solution for you!

  • Call 800.488.CARS (800.488.227) or select your location to start our online form.
  • Fast, Free Pickup - 24-hour pickup. All on your schedule.
  • Save on Taxes - We handle your car. You get a tax receipt.

Corporate Partners

NKF Serving Kentucky would like to acknowledge our partners who have supported our work to make lives better for the kidney community.

Local Office

12468 LaGrange Road #207
Louisville, KY 40245
United States

Email: infonkfk@kidney.org
Phone: 502.585.5433
Toll Free: 800.737.5433

Upcoming Events