Proudly serving North Carolina and South Carolina!
We are revolutionizing the fight to save lives by eliminating preventable kidney disease, accelerating innovation for the dignity of the patient experience, and dismantling structural inequities in kidney care, dialysis, and transplantation.
Upcoming Programs and Events
The NKF Signature Programs
Becoming a Living Donor
Potential living donors and their families will learn about what to expect during the evaluation process, surgery, financial considerations, and hear previous living donors share their stories.
First Steps to Transplant
Patients and families will learn about how to connect with a transplant center, the different types of transplants, what to expect during the evaluation process, and hear personal stories from kidney patients who have received a transplant.
Finding a Living Donor
Patients and families will receive education, tools and tips to help them write and share their story to find a living kidney donor. You'll also hear kidney patients who received a living donor transplant and living donors share their stories.
After Transplant
Patients and families will learn about what to expect after transplant and how to live well with a new kidney. Topics include information about medications, caring for your physical and emotional health, nutrition and when to reach out to your transplant team for help. You'll also hear transplant recipients share their stories.
Community Outreach
Your Kidneys and You Program
- Want to host an event in person or online about kidney health to your church or organization for wellness week? We can help! NKF Carolinas team can present a Your Kidneys and You Program and partner with one of our local nephrologists to explain the basics of kidney health and kidney disease!
- NC Contact:
- SC Contact:
- This Program is available in North and South Carolina
Drive for Dialysis
When: Anytime!
Looking for a great employee volunteer opportunity? Join our NKF Drive for Dialysis program, which allows companies the opportunity to have their employees volunteer by helping pack care packages for dialysis patients in their local communities. These bags include items like blankets, water bottles, other small gifts to help make the recipient's time on dialysis a little easier. If you or your organization is interested in learning about how you can start a D4D at YOUR work place! To learn more, contact Melissa Rubio at or Call 212.889.2210 EXT 626
Volunteer Opportunities
Are you Interested in volunteering with the National Kidney Foundation in the Carolinas? Please Email for more information about how you can support our cause!
Local Support
North Carolina
Charlotte Kidney Disease Support Group
- All meetings will be virtual
- Second Tuesday of each Month
- From 6:30pm-7:30pm ET
- For more information, email Jackie Palmer, Ed. D, MSN, RN or call 704-446-8796
TransplantTalk SC
Meets via Zoom the last Tuesday of each month: Zoom Link
Program info in Facebook group
For more information, contact: Gary Simmons at 704-699-3046 or
South Carolina
South Carolina Transplant Foundation
The South Carolina Transplant Foundation (SCTF) is a newly formed 501(c)(3) charity that seeks to assist transplant patients undergoing transplantation financially at the time of transplant and will also provide other services like education, advocacy, and other forms of assistance in the future. The SCTF collaborates with NKF Serving the Carolinas to utilize their trusted sources of education and advocacy to promote their mission in South Carolina.Additional Support
NKF Peers
- NKF PEERS is a peer mentoring program, where kidney patients are connected via phone with trained mentors who have been there themselves. Peer mentors can share their experiences with dialysis, transplant, or living kidney donation with you.
- Email
We speak English and Spanish and are available Monday - Friday from 9:00am - 7:00pm Eastern Time.
855.NKF.CARES | 855.653.2273
NKF Cares
- Our Patient Information Help Line, NKF Cares, offers support for people affected by kidney disease, organ donation or transplantation. It's designed just for patients, family members and care partners. Speak with a trained specialist who will answer your questions and listen to your concerns.
- Toll–free 1.855.NKF.CARES (1.855.653.2273)
NKF Kidney Learning Center
The NKF Kidney Learning Center is designed for patients to better understand and care for kidney disease. Here you will find educational activities on an array of carefully selected topics by well-known health experts on the subject. These courses include self-paced videos that can be watched on your own time.
Kidney Pathways
Take control of your kidney health. Answer a few questions and we will provide you with information about your kidney health.
A to Z Health Guide
Alphabetical list of additional kidney topics and support.
Kidney-Friendly Recipes
Are you looking for new kidney-friendly recipes? Regardless of which CKD stage you are in, there is a recipe for you to enjoy! Start your cooking journey now!
Ways to Support
To send a paper check to either the Raleigh, NC or Columbia, SC office, please use these addresses:
- North Carolina PO Box: 7413 Six Forks Rd., #255 Raleigh, NC 27615
- South Carolina PO Box: 701 Gervais Street, Suite 150, Box 195, Columbia, SC 29201
For general online to NKF Serving the Carolinas or memorial donation, Please visit the link below.
Are you interesting in becoming an advocate? NKF is the largest, most comprehensive longstanding patient organization dedicated to the awareness, prevention, and treatment of kidney disease in the U.S. Join us to advocate for the Living Donor Protection Act in North and South Carolina! 32 other states across the country have approved this bill for kidney donors.
Kidney Cars
Do you have a car sitting in your driveway looking for a new home? Look no further, we have the solution for you!
- Start in 1 Minute - Call 800.488.CARS (800.488.2277) or select your location to start our online form.
- Fast, Free Pickup - 24-hour pickup. All on your schedule.
- Save on Taxes - We handle your car. You get a tax receipt.
North Carolina Office
South Carolina Office
Local Office
7413 Six Forks Rd., #255
Raleigh, NC 27615
United States
Upcoming Events
- Nov 15, 2025 09:00 AMContact: Nicole ContiMint Randolph Museum2730 Randolph Rd.
Charlotte, North Carolina 28207