Experience the advantages of NKF membership. Join today and make NKF your professional home.
Nephrology Fellows
Current Fellows are eligible for a NKF Associate Physician Membership, including a subscription to AJKD and ACKD.
Medical Residents
The National Kidney Foundation supports residents interested in entering the field of nephrology by providing education, courses, evidence-based practice guidelines, scientific research grants and fellowships. Valid for United States medical residents only.
Call for Research Grant Applications
The National Kidney Foundation is pleased to offer grant support for junior faculty. For more information and eligibility requirements click here.
KDOQI Guidelines
Recognized throughout the world for improving the diagnosis and treatment of kidney disease, the KDOQI Guidelines have changed the practices of numerous specialties and disciplines and improved the lives of thousands of kidney patients.
KDIGO Guidelines
Access global evidence-based clinical practices guidelines, see what guidelines are coming out for publication, and sign up to participate in the guideline development process by critiquing draft guidelines during the public review phase.
CME Activities
NKF offers many CME's in various formats.
Kidney Careers
Learn about NKF's four professional journals: American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease, Journal of Renal Nutrition, and the Journal of Nephrology Social Work.
The official blog of the American Journal of Kidney Diseases aims to provide the nephrology community with a timely, engaging forum for educational material, commentaries, research news, and more.
Fellowship of the National Kidney Foundation
The FNKF recognizes physicians for their educational activities and community service in promoting the mission of the National Kidney Foundation.
Renal Fellow Network
Read a blog providing useful and up to date clinical and research information for Nephrologists.