Social Worker Newcomer to Leader: Impact of Local NKF Chapters

September 05, 2024

Over two decades ago, brand new kidney disease social worker Melissa Fry was excited to jump into her career. She was looking for a professional group to grow her network and skills when she learned about National Kidney Foundation’s (NKF) Council of Nephrology Social Workers (CNSW). Twenty-six years later, she's still a member and credits much of her success to finding and joining CNSW–Wisconsin Chapter.

Finding Support

Listen to Melissa Fry discuss music therapy for people with dialysis.

When a seasoned social worker recommended CNSW, Melissa jumped at the chance to learn more.

"I am grateful for that connection because I was new to the profession. I started in a dialysis unit where I had to build a program on my own," said Melissa. "I don't know that I could have built a successful program without going to the local meeting in Wisconsin for support and mentorship."

CNSW was established to help social workers improve their understanding and support of kidney disease patients and their families. Local Chapters work closely with their nearest NKF office to provide targeted education and support to their members. Members also advocate for regulatory or legislative changes to improve patient care.

"My chapter meets around four times a year with in-person or virtual options. Topics of discussion range from local resources to solving kidney-care-related issues in our community," said Melissa. "We also hold a yearly multidisciplinary symposium where professionals can earn continuing education credits while learning about the latest in kidney care."

She accredits the success of the Wisconsin Chapter to the social workers running it and the local NKF Office.

"We have always had a close connection to the Wisconsin NKF Office. They're at our meetings making sure we know about new programs and helping out behind the scenes," said Melissa. "They've been essential–especially as our caseloads go up and we have less time to plan or execute our programs, education, or symposium. We support them and they support us."

Earn CE credits at NKF’s Professional Education Resource Center.

Making a Difference in Her Community

While the Wisconsin Chapter has accomplished many things in the years since Melissa joined, one stands out.

"People on dialysis in Wisconsin were having issues with their transportation to the clinic. Rides were scheduled but no one would show up. People were missing treatments," said Melissa. "Without dialysis, people with end-stage kidney disease will die."

The Wisconsin Chapter mobilized to fix this issue.

"With the help of NKF, we lobbied the state with legislation that would improve transportation for the patients who need it most. Despite how difficult it can be to get legislation passed in Wisconsin, our bipartisan solutions were passed," Melissa said. "The state changed the way our medical assistance transportation was done and who provided it. It was a huge win for patients."

They also reached out to one of the transportation services directly.

"The woman I spoke to had experience with dialysis–her mom was on it. She understood the importance," said Melissa. "Now dialysis patients are flagged in their system. They have a higher priority for pick up and drop off."

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Encouraging Others to Join

For Melissa, joining a local NKF Chapter was essential to building her career.

"One of the most important aspects of joining a Local Chapter is the networking–it's the relationships you build. Meeting transplant social workers and knowing what goes on at their end helps me better educate my patients. These meetings and relationships help me keep my practice up to date."

She also believes that Local Chapters allow social workers to support their community better.

"National education is phenomenal but sometimes there are local issues within your community or state that don't affect anyone else," Melissa said. "We are the first to hear about issues and have a better understanding of local resources. I recommend all kidney disease social workers find and join their Local Chapter if they want to make connections and help the community."

Want to make a difference? Learn more about NKF Local Chapters