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Assistance Programs Offered by Pharmaceutical Companies

Many drug companies offer prescription assistance programs for their medications to those who qualify. Below are some common medications and companies for dialysis patients and transplant recipients. Keep in mind these assistance programs can change or discontinue at any time, please contact them directly for up-to-date information and eligibility guidelines.

Abbott Laboratories / AbbVie Products

  • Ensure, Glucerna, Nepro - dialysis nutritional products
  • Gengraf® (cyclosporin) - immunosuppressant for organ transplant recipients
  • Zemplar® - hyperparathyroidism


Amgen Assist (800) 272-9376
  • Aranesp® - pre-dialysis and dialysis anemia medication
  • Epogen® - pre-dialysis and dialysis anemia medication
  • Sensipar® - dialysis medication to lower PTH (parathyroid)

The Safety Net Foundation helps provide Amgen medications to the uninsured.


Genentech (A Member of the Roche Group)

Genentech Access Solutions (866) 4ACCESS / (866) 422-2377
Genentech Transplant Access Services (888) 754-7651


  • Myfortic® - kidney transplant recipients
  • Neoral® (cyclosporin)- kidney, heart, liver transplant recipients
  • Sandimmune® (cyclosporin) - kidney, heart, liver transplant recipients
  • Zortress® (everolimus) Patient Reimbursement Support - kidney transplant recipients

Novartis Patient Assistance for Medicare Beneficiaries (800) 942-3424


Pfizer Helpful Answers (866) 706-2400


Sanofi-Genzyme BioVentures (formerly Genzyme)

  • Renvela® RenValue - phosphorus binder for dialysis patients


Shire Cares Patient Assistance & Support (888) CARES-55 / (888) 227-3755
  • Fosrenol® On Track - phosphorus binder for dialysis patients

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