July 19, 2023, 11:14pm EDT


Rory C. Pace, MPH, RD, CSR, FAND
Renal Dietitians Practice Group
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics


Happy Summer! As we transition from one program year to the next, I want to take the opportunity to say that it has been an absolute pleasure to work with the NKF Council on Renal Nutrition over the past year. I am grateful to the CRN Executive Committee for their partnership in working towards shared goals to spread the word about the impact of medical nutrition therapy (MNT) for people with CKD. In April, we came together to promote CKD MNT and nephrology RDs at the NKF Spring Clinical Meetings (SCM) in Austin, TX. At NKF SCM23, we showcased educational and promotional materials, beautifully designed in collaboration with the executive committees of both organizations. We hope to make the Nutrition Myths flyer and MNT brochure available to members in the very near future. We were also able to spread the word about the power of MNT for CKD through multiple live educational sessions, some of which were standing-room only and engaged thoughtful questions from the audience.


RPG and CRN plan to continue our joint projects in the coming year. Plans include ongoing marketing to physicians about MNT benefits and coverage and the development of materials to educate dietitians in all areas of practice on the newest evidence-based guidelines for nephrology nutrition. We’ll continue to come together periodically through the year to collaborate, brainstorm, monitor progress on projects, and to identify new opportunities in renal nutrition.

If you are a member of RPG, thank you! If you’re not yet a member, I invite you to visit our website to check out the numerous resources and member benefits that we offer. A new benefit this year is the Renal RD Roundtable, an informal conversation where renal RDs can share experiences and ask questions about a broad range of renal nutrition topics. Topics this year included plant-based diet for CKD and the newly-released National Kidney Diet Professional Guide.

It has been a pleasure and a privilege to serve as Chair of the Renal Dietitians Practice Group over the past year. I have been grateful to work with and get to know so many amazing nephrology dietitians on the Executive Committees of RPG and CRN who work hard to bring quality resources to our members. As I pass the gavel to RPG’s new Chair, Michele Cook, I want to thank all of the members of the Executive Committee for their outstanding work this year. I also want to send a huge shout out to Melissa Young, who is completing her term as immediate Past Chair for her many contributions over the past 3 years. I look forward to seeing what we can accomplish together in the coming year!