Immediate Past Chair
MAC Energy Advisors, LLC
Tracy McKibben is Founder and CEO of New York-based MAC Energy Advisors LLC, a global investment and consultant company. The Harvard Law School graduate and former National Security Council official in The White House, grew up in Jackson, GA, as a preacher’s daughter and one of 14 siblings. She strongly believes in the importance of community and supporting charities. McKibben donated a kidney to her mother, who was on dialysis for several years. That gift extended her mother’s quality of life. As a result of her experience, McKibben believes support for education regarding live organ donation is important for many communities. In 2018, McKibben and Velma Scantlebury-White, MD, America’s first African American female transplant surgeon, were featured in a national, 60-second video public service announcement (PSA) produced by NKF. Launched in April - National Donate Life Month and National Minority Health Month – the PSA highlighted that African Americans are at least three times more likely than Whites to develop kidney failure and to urge those at risk to get checked by their doctor every year. McKibben shared her personal story in the PSA, which also promoted NKF’s nationwide platform THE BIG ASK: THE BIG GIVE, designed to increase kidney transplantation through training and tools that help patients and families find a living donor.

Ms McKibben donated a kidney to her mother, who was on dialysis for years. As a result of her experience, McKibben believes support for education regarding living-donor organ donation is important for many communities. In 2018, McKibben and Velma Scantlebury-White, MD, America’s first African American female transplant surgeon, were featured in a national, 60-second video public service announcement produced by NKF.