NKF KDOQI clinical practice guidelines

World renowned for improving the diagnosis and treatment of kidney disease, these guidelines have changed the practices of healthcare professionals and improved thousands of lives.

Doctor reading on the computer in her office

KDOQI Vascular Access Guidelines and Implementation Tools

Mom and daughter hugging, smiling, and looking camera

One day, no one’s life will be lost to kidney disease.

Every dollar donated during National Kidney Month will be matched up to $50K! Your gift today will help revolutionize kidney health and transform lives for the next 75 years and beyond by helping to:
  • Equip patients and families with knowledge, resources, and access to high-quality care.
  • Advocate for policies that address disparities and prioritize kidney health for all.
  • Fund research and technology to advance early detection, improve treatment, and expand transplant access.

Quality Measure Work

Quality measures, when adopted by payers and health systems, are another powerful tool to promote evidence-based care. In 2022, KDOQI began a new Quality Measurement initiative.

Guideline Development Process

KDOQI strives to make clinical practice guideline development as transparent and efficient as possible. It generally takes 18-24 months from development of a scope of work to submission of the manuscript to AJKD.

American Journal of Kidney Disease

All KDOQI Guidelines and Commentaries are published in the American Journal of Kidney Diseases (AJKD), NKF's premier journal.


This group provides overall direction and ongoing guidance to the KDOQI initiative. They interact closely with project work groups and work group chairs, preside over KDOQI meetings, and serve as KDOQI spokespeople.

NKF KDOQI App Now Available!

Download now to access guidelines and commentaries at your fingertips.